Crane Song LTD

add a little warmth to your mix

Crane Song Analog Dither
"Black Crowned Crane" picture used with permission from


Crane Song Analog Dither

Add Warmth To Your Tracks
Mac & PC Compatible
Instructions Included

CD Mastering
Hard Disk Recording

$27.95 + $3 s/h

Order Direct Only!
call 715-398-3627

Crane Song Home

Add a little warmth to your mix with our Analog Dither™ CD. Bring out the fullness and the 'warmth' in the low frequencies of your tracks using any simple digital audio editor with our specially shaped Analog Dither™ CD.

Simply lay down our CD Sourced Material into your favorite DAW, blend it to the mix, and let your ears bend back with satisfaction...

Now YOU can order a CD of analog-sourced dither material that is in the (2002 TEC Nominated) SPIDER and HEDD 192 direct from Crane Song. This CD supplies a form of dither that has been specially "shaped" to enhance lifeless digital audio.

Call 715-398-3627 or e-mail

When Dave sent me this Analog Dither, I wasn't sure what to expect. But it has proven itself valuable many times, enhancing and improving the warmth and smoothness so hard to achieve with most modern recordings. Done right, 16 bit can sound very good, and Dave Hill does digital right...

Brad Blackwood Mastering Engineer Ardent Studios

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Crane Song, LTD ° Superior, WI ° USA
tel 715-398-3627 °